Since 1977, we have developed our first concept of “Inspection System”.
We lead the field of inspection in state-of-the-art technology.
- 1955
- Fuji Lubricator Co., Ltd. established. The manufacturing and sale of lubricators for rolling stock started.
- 1977
- FUTEC Inc. became independent from Fuji Lubricator Co.,Ltd.
- 1978
- The sales of Optical Flaw Inspection System started.
- 1984
- Tokyo Branch established.
- 1987
- The sales of Printed Web Inspection System started.
- 1992
- Fuji Lubricator Co., Ltd. merged into FUTEC Inc.
Kyoto Branch established. - 1995
- Fuji Sales Office established.
- 1996
- FUTEC Europe Limited (incorporated in England) established.
- 1997
- QC Inline Research Institute established.
- 1998
- The sales of Low-energy soft X-Ray Thickness Gauge System started.
- 2002
- Head Office acquires ISO9001:2000.
- 2005
- Shanghai Representative Office established.
FUTEC Europe S.r.l established. - 2006
- Kanagawa Sales Office established.
FUTEC Europe Limited closed (succeeded by FUTEC Europe S.r.l). - 2007
- FUTEC China Inc. established.
- 2008
- Shanghai Representative Office closed (succeeded by FUTEC China Inc.).
- 2010
- Kanagawa Branch established.